Should you post on Facebook and tweet on Twitter?


Twitter and Facebook, well social media networking altogether is the big bad rage of our time.  Do you know why?  Because people are knowledge hungry and social.  They want to know what’s going on when it’s going on, who it’s happening to and how they can be a part of it.  That’s why there’s apps for phones and blackberry’s connecting people to facebook and twitter 24/7.
Yes, it’s exhausting; but a must if you’re going to grow your business.  Not being on Twitter and Facebook is like telling the world that you don’t want them to know about you.  Who’s considered a part of that world?  Your brides friends and family, other wedding vendors who can recommend you as well as the bride and groom themselves.  When I first started marketing to brides years ago, Twitter and Facebook wasn’t even in existence.  But the moment they appeared, the marketing and advertising world took on a whole new identity and I was one who personally hated it.  But I had to change my way of thinking if I was going to help grow any wedding vendors business.  So how do you get started and how can it bring you more business?
1.       First, sign up for an account.  Use your business name in your profile and make sure to include your contact information, website address, blog, and other social networking sites you’re on.  Upload a picture of yourself or your product.  People want to know who’s tweeting and who they’re talking to?

2.       Search for people with similar interest by clicking on the search link at the bottom of your Twitter page and the top of your Facebook page. More often than not the individuals you find will follow you and of course you should follow them as well.

3.       Provide valuable information without a sales pitch. You want to be known as more of a resource than someone who always has some "sale or special" going on. Provide good content and you will get good replies that will lead to a following from brides and their friends and family.  Good content includes links to other great information that you found online;
a.       Other websites
b.      Great vendors
c.       YouTube videos
d.      Local Events

4.       Respond to other tweets and posts. This will make you a part of the bridal online community and will lead to more connections. Your primary job in obtaining more followers is to be proactive and consistent.

5.       Tell people that you Tweet, blog about it.  Add it to your
a.       business cards,
b.      brochures,
c.       websites,
d.      Remember to Educate!  Educate!  Educate and do it on a consistent basis.
I must warn you that upon first contact
·         do not spam your product or service.
·         Your first contact with this person should be strictly friendly.
·         Let the relationship develop on its own.
·         Believe me, when you first respond to that person, they will look into your profile so if you’re smart, you will have your products and services mentioned in your profile.

I’m sure you realize that it’s free to Tweet and Post on Facebook. The only downfall is that it takes a lot of time.  So, how do you find the time to do it?  I recommend giving that job to one person in your office..or there’s a wedding marketing company that includes it in their packages free of charge.  I’ll talk about that at the end.

I’m sure you realize that you can’t just launch an aggressive social networking campaign and nothing else.  Since 84% of brides are online what else can you do?  Who here invested a ton of money into banner ads? 

Unless you have other types of advertising launched so that brides will see your banner ad and recognize you from something else they saw, you might as well stop.  That’s the exact reason why we don’t sell banner ads to wedding vendors on our website.  It’s a waste of money and I don’t sell something that isn’t going be of benefit to my clients.

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