The best way to get brides to engage with your Facebook page timeline

To be a star player on Facebook means understanding how to use your business Facebook page to engage brides so that they buy from you.

Here are some key ways to get brides to engage with your Facebook page timeline:

  1. Share updates, questions, photos, links and other content on your Page regularly. 
  2. Post at least a few times a week so brides who like you see your stories in their news feeds, and visitors to your Page always see something new. 
  3. Make sure brides notice your most important content by pinning posts to the top of your Page or starring them so they're bigger. 
  4. When brides engage with you, make sure to respond so they know you're listening. 

If you simply don't have time to engage brides on Facebook but you know it's important then you may want to outsource it.  There are several great companies that "ghost post" with their focus being on the wedding industry specifically.  You know longer have to waste your time engaging brides and can focus on booking the weddings.

I know several wedding companies who utilize these types of marketing services and it's grown their wedding business by more than 400% for some of them.  It may be something worth looking into.

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