$100 discount to AFWPI members

I wanted to share a special discount for AFWPI members on our "social MEdia marketing" package.  This wedding marketing program is for wedding vendors who don't have time to post to Facebook, Tweet, Blog and email market but understand its importance..

  • Monthly e-newsletter design & submission to your bride lead database.
  • Weekly Facebook, Twitter & Blog posts.
  • Dedicated Accounts Manager

You need this package if:
  • You understand how important it is for the growth of your wedding business to blog, tweet and post to Facebook but don't have time to do it.

  • You have no idea how to blog, tweet or post to Facebook so that your wedding business grows.

  • You have hundreds of leads from wedding shows but aren't sure what to do with them...or don't have time to do anything with them yourself.

  • You don't have a wedding business blog, Facebook page, Twitter account or email wedding marketing account and need help setting them up.
If you answered yes to at least one of these scenarios then you may want to consider hiring us. How does it work? 


Q: What is the process?
A: Once you sign up you'll be assigned an Accounts Manager who will call you every week to ask if you have anything new to tell or show brides. If you don't, then we'll gather information from your website and create something fabulous that will grab brides attention...and we'll post that to your blog, Facebook page and Twitter account. At the end of the month we'll take that information, create an email newsletter with it and send it to your database of bride leads. 

Q: Is the content you post to my blog and Facebook generic?
A: NO! All of the posts we create are geared towards each individual client. You will NEVER see the same information on someone else's blog or Facebook page. The content is personalized to your company and your client base.

Q: Can I send several things at once for you to use throughout the entire month so that we don't have to talk every week?
A: Absolutely! You're the boss. 

Q: Do I have to fill out a long term contract?
A: NO! It's our job to keep you happy and getting results. Our packages are month to month and you can quit at anytime.

Q: If I quit you after a month what will happen to the content you've posted or the social media pages you've created for me?
A: It belongs to you. We don't do anything with it. 

Q: How many vendors in my city do you work with?
A: No more than 4. We don't want all of your competitors receiving the upper hand that we're giving you. It's about the success of YOUR company and that's what we focus on. Knowing that you can quit us at anytime gives us the motivation to keep your brand awareness growing and gives you peace of mind that we're focused on doing that. 

Q: Are you an employee? Do I have to pay taxes on you?
No. We're a wedding marketing firm that works as an idependent contractor. You don't have to pay any taxes, insurance, benefits, or an hourly wage. All you pay is a small monthly fee for dedicated bloggers, social media marketers and an Account Manager overseeing it all. PLUS, all of our marketers and Account Managers have experience specifically in the wedding marketing industry. 

Q: Do you have references?
ABSOLUTELY! Our monthly client renewal rate is 99.9%. Give us a call for a free consultation and we'll show you first hand what we do. 


use discount code -AFWBLOG-

If you'd like to talk with an Accounts Manager who can explain the program in detail call toll free 1-800-431-4628 ext 1

Special ends 4/30/12

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