How to grow your business with Facebook? an awesome VIDEO

I receive email after email from wedding professionals asking me "How do I use Facebook to promote my wedding business?" and "How do I get brides to buy from me using Facebook?"  After walking them through how Facebook works I thought, "Hey, I'm going to find a video of a colleague and post it here for all of my wedding professional friends to watch...So the search began.

Here is the phenomenal CEO of FEMnominal Women in Business,  Lainika Johnson-Colbert to educate us on business and Facebook and answer the question "How to promote my business on Facebook?"

If after watching this video you still have questions on how to promote your wedding business on Facebook just give the Bridal Marketing Group, LLC a call at 1-800-431-4628 or send me an email personally to .  We're here to help all of our fellow wedding vendor professionals engage brides and make money using Facebook.

Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed that video. One of the things I didn't think about is to ask my friends and family to get on board and support my page.
